They find a family hanging and blindfolded


New Delhi.- Eleven bodies were found Sunday in strange circumstances in a house in New Delhi, 10 of which were hanging and were blindfolded, police said.

The victims belonged to the same family and the majority had lived in the house where they were found in the city of Burari in the north of the Indian capital, said police officer Vineet Kumar.

According to El Debate, During the search of the house, notes were found that indicated "the observance of certain spiritual or mystical practices by the whole family," said the police in a statement. communicated.

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"These notes have a strong similarity to how the mouths, eyes and other parts of the deceased were covered or attached, "adds the text.

did not provide more details

Kumar testified that the police opened an investigation after receiving a call on Sunday morning that "family members have committed suicide." ".

However, he said that we did not find any. suicide note and that the police were investigating whether the victims – a 77-year-old woman, their two sons and wives, a daughter and five grandchildren – had committed suicide or had been killed.

"There was no gunshot wound in the bodies of the victims and there was no evidence of a break-in," Kumar said. a conclusion, "he added

The statement stated that the house had not been looted and that no valuable items were missing.

Ten of the bodies were blindfolded with clothes and pieces of cotton. found hanging on an iron grill that was used as a fan in the yard of the house.

The body of the 77 year old woman was on the floor of the house, said a police officer who spoke under cover of anonymity because he was not allowed to speak with Journalists

The family had lived in the house for more than two decades, according to the Hindustan Times.

The newspaper added that the owner of the casa is a businessman who also owns a lumberyard and a dairy.

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