They find a molecular key to delay the development of multiple sclerosis


Researchers at the University of the Basque Country (north of Spain ) found a molecular key to delay the progression of multiple sclerosis, a finding published in the journal scientist EMBO [19659003] Molecular Medicine the study center reported today.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys a structure called "myelin sheath" whose integrity is essential in the proper functioning of the brain and spinal cord.

The current treatment of multiple sclerosis is based on modulating the activity of the immune system, and prevents its cells from accessing the central nervous system and damaging it. These therapies are effective in the early stages of the disease, but do not prevent their progression and progressive functional deterioration.

In the work that has just been published it was possible to identify a receptor called P2X4 ] in microglial cells which increase its anti-inflammatory potential to reduce damage in multiple sclerosis and, most importantly, improve the body's own repair responses.

According to Dr. María Domercq, of the Department of Neuroscience of the UPV / EHU, who works at the research center Achucarro de Leioa, "it is a discovery that opens a new path for the pharmacological development for the treatment of the progressive phase of multiple sclerosis, and with this, we want to open a new door to improving the quality of life of people who suffer from it. "

In this ambitious study Commissioned by researchers from the Basque Country, professionals from the University of Hamburg in Germany and the Institute of Functional Genomics of Montpellier collaborated

  • Medical Science
  • Scientific Research
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