They find exoplaneta that could shelter life 500 light-years away | news


Scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology, in United States confirmed that the Kepler-186f exoplanet, 500 light-years from Earth, is eligible for life.

Middle Georgia Tech, it is the first planet identified with the same dimensions as the Earth outside the Milky Way and at an adequate distance from its star host so that it can be used for the first time. liquid water accumulates on its surface.

They also determined that the axial inclination of the planet contributes to regular seasons and a stable climate.

Photo: Georgia Tech

The study indicates that the axial inclination of both Earth and Kepler 186f is about 23 degrees. In this way, scientists now have more evidence to infer the presence of life on this planet.

>> They find a celestial body that can hold life in the Universe

. exoplanet Kepler-62f which revolves around a star about 1,200 light-years away from us, can also house life as it has the same conditions as Kepler-186f.

Why is axial tilt so important for the climate?

The great variability of the axial inclination of a planet could be a reason why March was transformed from an aquatic landscape into an arid desert, there are billions of years.

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