They find in NL elected mayor of Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas


With the support of the security societies of Nuevo León the elected mayor of Mier, Roberto Gustavo González Hinojosa was located around 04:00 this Friday in this entity, heads of Staff of the Tamaulipas Coordination Group

Local and national security agencies conducted a search operation around Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, Guerrero City and Camargo

. Nuevo León police support for the research, so they made revisions to every unit that circulated on the highway 54 which communicates with Tamaulipas with this entity and d & # 39; other alternative routes, such as gaps and neighborhood roads.

After ten hours of research by land and air, it was located in the early hours of today, without revealing any more information about the location and the health conditions in which it occurs. find González Hinojosa.

The politician was "high" Thursday around 18:00, while he was going to a public event to celebrate his triumph in the elections and who made him mayor for a second term at the head of the municipality of Mier.

The information collected indicated that the elected mayor had been abducted by armed men traveling in two white vans, which had fled to an unknown destination, and that there was a major search and rescue operation. Rescue had been launched by elements of Sedena and State Police in addition to seeking the support of the police of Nuevo León, entity where it was finally located.

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