They find in the substance of the substance Maseca that could cause cancer


October 19, 2018

The Association of Consumers of Organic Products (ACO) revealed that some samples had detected glyphosate.


An analysis indicates that I found toxic substances to the human body in samples of white corn flour and yellow Maseca.

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In a press release, the Association of Consumers of Organic Products (ACO) revealed that in some samples, glyphosate was detected, the main component of the herbicide called Faena, used by the company Monsanto.

"The results of laboratory samples show glyphosate concentrations ranging from 5.14 to 17.59 micrograms of glyphosate per kilogram of flour and the presence of slightly modified organisms reaches up to 94.15% in the One of the samples, with a clear correlation: higher percentage of GMOs, higher concentration of glyphosate ", reads in the bulletin published by Forbes.

The ACO records that since March 2015, glyphosate is considered "potentially carcinogenic" by the World Health Organization (WHO).

In addition, the experts asked the Mexican authorities (Sagarpa and Cofepris), as well as the US authorities, to ensure that the company does not use transgenic maize for its products.

With information from Forbes

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