They find narcofosses with 14 corpses in Tlajomulco and Tlaquepaque



This Thursday at least six bodies presumably five men and one woman, were found in a pharmacy located in the colony Villa Fontana Aqua Tlajomulco municipality Zúñiga, Jalisco, although there may be seven, confirmed the Attorney General of Jalisco Raúl Sánchez Jiménez in an interview

A few hours later, two clandestine tombs were in the neighborhoods of La Noria and Mezquitera, in the municipality of Tlaquepaque. At the end of this edition, we talked about eight bodies.

It is estimated that the bodies were buried illegally for more than a week

In the first case, the prosecutor explained that "(the bodies) appear to be five men and one woman. Remains that are not certain if they are six or seven by the way they were getting body parts.They already have time (cadaveric evolution) … We are continuing the investigation with l & # 39; Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences to locate and identify each of the corpses found there and see their legal status, how long have they been dead and buried "

Up to now, the research portfolio is still open , because it is not excluded that this narcofosa has links with four bodies found in March in other colonies of the same municipality.

we continue to do, intelligence investigations to counter and fight the crime, "added the responsa ble of the state.

In the last six years [241 900 000] 243 bodies of 152 illegal graves were exhumed in Jalisco. The prosecutor also mentioned that the search for other missing persons continues, as the daughter of the head of the Jalisci Institute Luis Octavio Cotero Bernal and his companion, and the student of the University from Guadalajara to Autlán de Navarro, among other cases.

A week ago a complaint was lodged by the Attorney General of Jalisco for the disappearance of Índira Cotero Ortiz, a lawyer, who works in the Legal Department of Tlajomulco Commissariat in Zúñiga. It turned out that he was going to show a land to a client.



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