They find one of the founders of Femen dead


PARIS, France.- The Ukrainian Oksana Shachko, one of the founders of the feminist group Femen, was found dead in her apartment in Paris, said a senior executive of the US. ;organization.

" Oksana was found yesterday in Paris in her apartment, she committed suicide," said AFP Inna Shevchenko, one of the leaders of this feminist group known worldwide for its spectacular actions.

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Another Femen founder, Anna Gutsol, also confirmed the death on her Facebook page, but did not reveal the causes of Shachko's death.

Shachko is gone, his friends and family are mourning and we are waiting for the official version of the police What we know right now is that (…) the body of Oksana was found in his apartment in Paris. friends left a letter "writes Gutsol

Shachko founded in 2008 in Ukraine, along with three other activists, the Femen movement, known for its bold topless protests.

Exiled in France since 2013 , the 31-year-old girl had left the

Under the motto " I came, I undressed, I won ", the Femen called the attention of the world by their protests "against patriarchy and the domination of men over women. "

Activists usually appear in improvised, topless and with the body painted with badges, to capture the attention of the public and the media.

So, they broke up in July After a concert by Woody Allen in Germany to denounce the "culture of silence" around sexual assault In another action in 2015 bothered a speech by the far-right French leader Marine Le Pen with greeting "Heil Le Pen "painted on the chest.

In addition to sexism, their protests point to authoritarianism, with Russian President Vladimir Putin as a particular target, the collusion between the state and the Church and election fraud.

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