They find the dead model Annabelle Neilson, McQueen's muse


Model Annabelle Neilson, muse of the late designer Alexander McQueen and friend of supermodel Kate Moss, was found dead in London at the age of 49, reported today Scotland Yard.

Neilson, a member of a British aristocratic family found lifeless in his home in London's Chelsea neighborhood, and while law enforcement forces are conducting investigations, death is not considered suspicious, published El Universal.

Famous for a reality TV show on British television Four years ago, Neilson became the face of the fashion designer in the '90s, at the age of 22, after being introduced by the stylist Isabella Blow.

Both had a close friendship relationship. she was the last to see the famous fashion designer alive before committing suicide in 2010.

Through his relationship with him, he came into contact with many professionals around the world. Oda, like supermodels Kate Moss, whom she considered as her best friend, and Naomi Campbell.

Neilson was married to billionaire banker Nat Rothschild between 1994 and 1997, and in recent years has also published a series of public child-focused books.

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