They find the mayor kidnapped by an unarmed armed group


Image of the vehicle where the mayor was removed, Roberto González Hinojosa

MEXICO (EFE) .- Reappeared in good condition Roberto González Hinojosa, the mayor of the Mexican municipality of Ciudad Mier, abducted Thursday by an armed group, reported The mayor "was located in a security filter that installed both the civil force and the Caminos State Police of Nuevo León," said Tamaulipas security spokesman Luis Alberto Rodríguez, in statements to Radio Fórmula

Rodríguez said that the mayor of Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas town bordering the state of Nuevo León, arrived in his own vehicle and is "in good condition."

The spokesman for The security of this state, one of the most violent in the country, explained that the reasons for the abduction are unknown and in the coming hours the mayor will declare ación del evento [19659003] The five kidnappers, who were traveling in two vehicles and were armed, intercepted González Hinojosa, of the National Conservative Action Party (PAN), when he left the city palace on Thursday afternoon.

They put him in a vehicle and took the Mayor's own car

González represented the National Action Party (PAN) in the elections of July 1 and was re-elected in the office , so he intended to celebrate his triumph on the night of Thursday

After his disappearance, agents of the State Police, the Mexican Army, the Navy and the Office of the Prosecutor commenced an operation by land and air

Security forces placed checkpoints at the exits to the cities of Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, Ciudad Guerrero and Camargo with the aim of locating criminals.

The municipality is a place that for several years has fought criminal groups or rganizado

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