They find the mutilated corpse of a woman in Queretaro; add up to five similar cases of violence in 2018


QUERETARO, Qro. (appr) .- Diana Cristina Ramirez Martinez, 26, went to work Tuesday. After his absence, his house was reported missing. This Friday was found mutilated and lifeless, near the road Fray Junípero Serra, northeast of the capital.

Relatives reported that they did not directly observe the body, but they identified it by photographing one of his hands because they saw the nails that had just been decorated.

In addition, they said that in the Office of the Attorney General of the State, headed by Alejandro Echeverría Cornejo, they asked them not to reveal more information. For this reason, they were cautious to give more details about what happened to Diana Cristina.

In contrast to other cases, the Office of the Prosecutor did not issue the Alba Alert to try to locate Diana, but her family issued a record with her photograph and data from her disappearance, which circulated in the social networks of Queretaro until this Friday.

After local media reported the discovery of the body, the prosecutor's office staff sent an information card, through WhatsApp, on the location of a body last Wednesday [19659002] "The Office of the Prosecutor of the Republic reports that on the occasion of the discovery of a corpse on July 18 in the vicinity of the ring of Fray Junípero Serra, the Unit of 39; Specialized investigation of homicide has made significant progress to define a solid line of research, based on information obtained from various witnesses, as well as or signs found at the scene, "he said. reported.

In this same place was where, according to reports, Diana Cristina Ramírez Martínez was found dead. His body presented lesions on his face, confirmed some of his relatives, who doubted that they were caused by the wildlife of the place.

According to Article 126 BIS of the Penal Code of the State of Queretaro, it is considered feminicide. the victim has been the victim of infamous injuries or mutilations or degrading marks, consecutive or subsequent to the deprivation of life or necrophilia. "

A recount of official communiqués and press releases in the local press reveals that since 2018, the bodies of at least five women were found in Queretaro

Last January, the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor reported the location of the remains of an adult woman near the 3.5 kilometer of the 310 national highway, in the municipality of Amealco

A month later, it was the news of the discovery of another lifeless woman in a motel, who – according to the official version – died of "bronchoaspiration." 19659002] For the following March, the case of Dulce, six years old, who was raped and murdered by his 14-year-old cousin, provoked outrage in Queretaro society, according to Humberto Pérez González, Deputy Prosecutor for Investigation and Prosecution, 19659002] In June, local media reported the location of the putrefactive female body, on the highway known as Libramiento Surponiente, near the lower part of Cerro del Cimatario, south of the city.

In July, the case of Diana Cristina Ramírez Martínez was also broadcast

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