They find the new danger of sugar for health


US researchers analyzed the status and diet of 2,226 people over seven years

Scientists at Columbia University in New York found a link between sugar consumption and risk of suffering. Alzheimer's disease, according to the study presented at the conference devoted to this disease in Chicago

US researchers analyzed the state and diet of 2,226 people for seven years who n & rsquo; Had no dementia at the beginning of the study, reported Daily Mail. 19659003] According to the results of the study, people who added 30.3 grams of sugar to their food or drink each day had a 33% higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than those who which added only 5.8 grams. Of the participants in the study, 429 individuals eventually developed the disease.

In addition, experts have noted that people who consume large amounts of sugary drinks such as soft drinks and fruit juices have a dementia rate of 27%.

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