They find tomb, sarcophagus and alabaster head with more than 2 thousand years in Alexandria


AFP Agency

The Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA, for its acronym in English) of Egypt published the photographs of a sarcophagus and an alabaster head from the period of Ptolemy taken from a tomb found in the district Sidi Gaber of the legendary city of Alexandria.

The grave was discovered by a group of workers who installed sensors in a private property of the Sidi Gaber area, before starting to work for demolish the foundations of a building owned by the owner of the property. The laws of Egypt require an archaeological review prior to any demolition that takes place on its territory.

The sarcophagus is black granite and is considered the largest found in the lands of Alexandria (AFP)

The grave measures 185 cm high, 245 cm in length and 165 cm of width . Found five meters under the surface of the earth and with a layer of mortar between the cover of the grave and the sarcophagus evidence that it was not opened from antiquity

The sarcophagus is from black granite and is considered the largest found in the lands of Alexandria, informed the head of the Council, Mostafa Waziri, while the identity of the recipient of the tomb still could not be determined.

The head of alabaster of a man was also found in the excavation and probably belongs to the owner of the grave located in the sarcophagus intact for more than two thousand years.

The Ptolemaic dynasty ruled Egypt for nearly three centuries, of the year 305 a year 30 BC. J.-C. under the reign of a total of 12 Ptolemy, an Arsinoe, 4 Cleopatra and a Berenice, until finally falling to the Roman Empire

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