They go for further denuclearization in North Korea


North Korea- North Korea said on Saturday that talks with the US delegation led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were "regrettable" and accused Washington of trying to force it to unilaterally give up its nuclear weapons.

The statement of a spokesman for the North Korean Foreign Ministry was revealed hours after Pompeo ended two days of talks with North Korean officials, but not with Kim Jong -a. on the denuclearization and repatriation of the remains of American soldiers killed during the Korean War.

Before leaving Pyongyang, Pompeo said that talks with top official Kim Yong Chol had been "productive," conducted "in good faith." "and that" progress "had been made on some issues, he stressed that there was" a lot to do ", and that it would be largely the responsibility of the working groups created to deal with concrete issues.

The North Korean assessment was much more negative.He said that the United States betrayed the spirit of last month's summit between President Donald Trump and leader Kim Jong Un by demanding " unilateral and rapacious "the" CVID ", the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization acronym He stated that the outcome of the talks was" very worrying "because it led to a dangerous phase that could affect its desire to denuclearize the situation

"We expected the American side to propose constructive measures that will help build confidence based on the spirit of the leaders' summit … we thought r reciprocal measures, "said an anonymous spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement issued by KCNA. But the attitude and position shown by the United States at the first high-level meeting (between the two countries) was regrettable, "he added. [9002] Pompeo said that a Pentagon team would meet with North Korean officials around July 12 to discuss the repatriation of remains and that there would soon be discussions about the destruction of a North American missile engine test facility.

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