They hold one of the leaders of the expansion of the Rebsamen


CITY OF MEXICO.- One of the directors of work (DRO) responsible for Colegio Enrique Rébsamen was arrested Sunday by agents of the Office of the Attorney General of Mexico (PGJ-CDMX)

According to official documents, a judge of the capital ordered the arrest of two tellers who oversaw the expansion of the collapsed school structure. They call themselves Apolinar Torales and Mario Velarde Gámez

However, authorities in the capital have not confirmed which of them is the detainee.

The arrest is reported as responsible for additions made to the College Enrique Rébsamen, which caused, to a large extent, the collapse of the administrative building during the earthquake of 19 September 19, 2017.

He is charged with the crime of culpable homicide for allowing the operation of the campus of the school
located at numbers 11 and 19 of Rancho Tamboreo, Colonia Nueva Oriental, delegation of Tlalpan, where 19 children and seven adults died.

The arrest is derived from the investigation file related to the events that occurred in said school.

The addiction headed by Edmundo Garrido warned that the arrest of the DRO occurred during the first minutes of that Sunday in Queretaro and immediately said no one was transferred to the country's capital.

On an information card, he explained that the detainee had been admitted to the South Prison Prison of the capital, where the arrest warrant hearing would be generated .

The other conductor as well as the owner of the school Mónica García Villegas located at numbers 11 and 19 of Rancho Tamboreo, in Colonia Nueva Oriental, Delegation of Tlalpan, still have to be stopped.

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