They identify the process by which obesity causes harmful inflammation


Researchers at the University of Virginia (UVA) conducted a study in which they discovered why obesity causes harmful inflammation, knowledge that can help fight chronic diseases.

Scientists have explained that immune cells reside in tissues. Adipose, believed to be beneficial, become harmful during obesity and cause unwanted and unhealthy inflammation.

The team of scientists from the Department of Pharmacology of UVA, has identified that harmful "free radicals" produced by the body react with substances known as lipids in adipose tissue. "This attack on lipids causes them to cause inflammation, a natural immune response."

The investigator Vlad Serbulea, in a statement, explained that free radicals are so reactive "that they want to cling to something" and "lipids are a good sink for these radicals to This, they note, leads to a process called "lipid oxidation".

The specialist explained that when they compared healthy and obese tissues, what seems to change is the proportion of oxidized lipids.

Now that they know that oxidized lipids are the cause of various problems, specialists are studying how to create a drug that reduces them and thus avoids serious damage.

Researcher Norbert Leitinger added that now they know that some of these molecules cause damage, removing them from the circulation can have a beneficial effect on chronic diseases.

"The inflammation is important to your body's defenses, so you do not want to eliminate it completely." He said that by restoring this balance, doctors can make significant progress against chronic diseases that now affect millions of people.

The research work was supported by the National Institute of Health and through the resources of a dual research award – & # 39; Ho, from the University of Virginia


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