They intensify fumigation against dengue at the border


  Intensify fumigation against dengue at the border "title =" Intensify fumigation against dengue at the border "/> <i class=

To kill the mosquito Aedes aegypti, dengue transmitter, Zika and chikungunya, the Ministry of Health intensifies nebulization fumigation actions in Tapachula settlements.

Clouds of chemical smoke cover the streets, penetrate homes, empty courtyards, shops and even vehicles that circulate in the area. attention, no strong smell is perceived, but in direct contact a slight discomfort, including headaches.

In municipalities of the southern border strip has the highest number of recorded dengue cases in the country.

According to the Directorate General of Epidemiology of the Federal Health Secretariat, so far this year in Mexico, confirmed 1,599 cases of dengue fever and three deaths, 1,500 of them in Chiapas, in addition to two deaths. [196] 59003] There are more than a hundred colonies that have been subjected to the nebulization process this year in Tapachula, but despite this, reports of people with dengue symptoms who visit private clinics and hospitals have increased in recent weeks. The report of national cases of dengue indicates that Chiapas occupies the first place with one thousand five cases and the following states are Veracruz with 164, Jalisco 146, San Luis Potosí 63, Michoacán 47, State of Mexico 43, Tamaulipas 40 and Guerrero 25.

As for Chiapas, it indicates that cases of dengue have been reported in the municipalities of Escuintla and Motozintla, in the Coast and Sierra, in recent weeks. ordered to intensify mosquito control campaigns in these areas.

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