They intercept Hondurans who wanted to join the caravan


ARRIAGA, Chis. (appr) .- Agents of the National Institute of Migration (MNI), with the support of the Federal Police (PF), launched an operation to intercept and arrest a group of 300 Honduran migrants who left this morning from the border municipality of Suchiate, and they hoped to join the caravan of migrants who arrived in Arriaga today.

The 300 Honduran migrants have left Suchiate this morning and are waiting to reach Tapachula on foot. But, at the height of the city of Ignacio Zaragoza, between Suchiate and Metapa, they found themselves face to face with a convoy of INM vehicles and the Federal Police, who were carrying two buses, which were the only ones in the city. they were asked to come up.

Faced with this, some migrants dispersed and started running through the undergrowth, but they were caught. MNI officers told them that they would not be hurt. However, they were taken against their will to the Siglo XXI migration station to register them and initiate their asylum application process before the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (Comar).

After their signature, they were informed that they would be taken to the "refuge", a detention center created by the Federal Government in the premises of the Mesoamerican Fair, where up to 1,700 people, including much against their will. They can not leave or have contact with their relatives abroad.

Meanwhile, the bulk of the Honduran exodus has arrived today in Arriaga, with the support of Tonalá Mayor Manuel Narcía Coutiño.

In order not to remain in the central square of their city, the mayor of Tonalá provided them with shipments from the town hall and private initiative, to transfer them permanently to the next city, Arriaga, last point of the territory of Chiapas, before entering the territory of Oaxaca.

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