They investigate the bad smell in the metropolitan area of ​​Monterrey


Nuevo Leon's Civil Protection reports that they are investigating the perception of unpleasant odors in various areas of metropolitan municipalities such as Monterrey, San Pedro Garza Garcia, Santa Catarina, Guadalupe and Juárez.

The aid company says in a report that from the last hours of Wednesday, the situation was reported to them and they devoted themselves to checking the origin of the smells.

Confirms that, in collaboration with the civil protection staff of metropolitan municipalities and gas companies, "extensive visits are made to the points of the metropolitan area and the municipalities mentioned by the dominant odor situation," he said. .

As part of this investigation, which also involves Gas Natural, up to now, the presence of a gas leak is negative.

Participates "Gas Natural with six gangs, with specialized equipment to detect any type of leak, resulting in negative ivo", states

In turn, the Mexican gas company, in its surveillance system, detects no chemical or toxic in the air, says the civil protection of Nuevo León.

The regional representation of Pemex in Monterrey, for its part, said that its processes, both in the Cadereyta refinery and its metropolitan operating areas, are developing normally.

Up to now, no drunk person is reported, but through social networks citizens. the stench of odors has forced in many cases to close the windows of their homes and / or establishments.

With information from Notimex


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