They investigate the gay beauty homicide


  Investigating the homicide of homosexual beauty

– Research suggests that more than one person would have been involved in the death of transvestite


Sachets of broken condoms were found at the location where the lifeless body of the transvestite known as "Alaska", which was our 2018 Gay Beauty, was located. The investigation will be the ones responsible for solving this case

. Means of communication, Wednesday morning, the body of a man was found, later identified as being José Luis Contreras Ponce, 25 years old and resident of the Ejidal settlement, known as "Alaska", about it the authorities of the state Attorney General's office are investigating the alleged homicide.

One of the lines of investigation suggests that more than one homicide would be involved. or in the murder of the transvestite, who allegedly subjected and killed him to the place where the body was found, a site in which we also found sacks of broken condoms.

Up to now it is not known if the group "Gay Lesbian" is going to make a march in the city to demand justice, since this is used whenever a bloody event is recorded in the city.

At the moment there is a lot of secrecy in the authorities who are confused, but who follow the lines of research in about the event where it is presumed that they found evidence that might get them to find the person responsible for this homicide.

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