They investigate the reason for death in a yoga studio in Florida


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – Authorities investigated Saturday a shooting attack at a yoga studio in Florida, where a man killed two people and wounded five others before committing suicide.

The two victims were a student and a teacher from Florida State University, school officials said. In addition, it was learned that the attacker had already been arrested for women groping.

Aggressor with background

On Saturday morning, the Tallahassee Police Department identified the assailant as being Scott Paul Beierle, 40 years. According to the court records, the man who opened fire in the Tallahassee studio had already been arrested for touching women.

Police accused Beierle of assault in 2016 after slapping and touching a woman's bottom in a pool of an apartment complex. The records show that the charges were dropped in the end, with Beierle having fulfilled the terms of a prosecution agreement.

Beierle was also charged with assault in 2012 for petting the ass of several women in the dining room of a campus of Florida State University (FSU for its acronym in English). According to a report from the police of the former Soviet Union, Beierle reportedly told the police that he may have struck someone by accident, but he denied intentionally touching anyone. ;a.

L & # 39; attack

The attacker fired six people in total and hit another after entering the site Friday in a small mall in Tallahassee, said Michael DeLeo, the city's chief of police, the capital. from Florida.

The police identified the two murdered: Dr. Nancy Van Vessem, 61, and 21-year-old student Maura Binkley.

Van Vessem was an internist who was Medical Director of Capital Health Plan, Tallahassee Democrat reported. Quoting Florida State University president John Thrasher, the newspaper reported that Van Vessem and Binkley had ties to the university.

"The loss of one of our students and one of our teachers in this tragic and violent way is devastating to the Florida State University family, and we deeply feel this loss and extend our deepest condolences. to Maura and Nancy's loved ones as we pray for the recovery of the wounded, "Thrasher said in a statement.

Capital Health Plan issued a statement congratulating Van Vessem.

"As a long-time CHP Medical Director, Nancy has been a driving force and visionary in our day-to-day work in addressing the health and wellness needs of thousands of families in this community. "His leadership, humanity and experience have made him one of the most respected, inspiring and successful health professionals in the state and country," said the company.

DeLeo stated that the shooter acted alone and that the authorities were investigating the possible motives. He refused to say what kind of weapon he used. "It's important that people understand that there is no immediate threat outside of what has already happened," DeLeo said.

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