They kill 3 people in Donato Guerra, Edomex


Three people, identified by the Mexican PRD as its activists, were shot dead in the community of San Simón de la Laguna, near the Barrio del Puerto in the municipality of Donato Guerra, south of the State of Mexico .

According to the Attorney General of the State of Mexico, this criminal act was not related to a political situation, but to a row of people who were ingesting drinks intoxicating.

In contrast, the Mexican PRD spokesman, Ricardo Salinas, said that early versions of the fact that the attack was perpetrated by a group of people identified with the PRI of the region, while his companions were responsible for monitoring the arrival of vehicles loaded with construction materials.

"Today, at 4:30 pm, an armed group attacked a group of comrades, the PRD that was collected in the community of San Simón de la Laguna, near the port district. The events occurred when several comrades watched a road in this community where heavy vehicles with materials and pantries smuggled irregularly with PRI militants, "said the communications officer of the community. State, Ricardo. Salinas

"An armed group arrived with people directly identified with the PRI candidate," he added, and said that individuals had fired "against our comrades, leaving three people dead. Carlos Guadalupe de Jesús Gregorio Hernández and Raymundo Guadalupe de Jesús. "

Unofficial reports indicate that in the region's hospitals, two other PRD militants have lost their lives, although the Office of the Prosecutor only became aware that of the three bodies

Political Animal confirmed that during the past two weeks, a large number of trailers loaded with cement pieces and building materials began to arrive. in the south; The authorization of small "bodegas" was also confirmed, from where an "ants" distribution of these items began to be carried out.

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