They kill a man in front of the altar of a church in Sonora


Armed subjects executed a man in front of the altar of the Catholic Church "El Buen Pastor" of the Casa Blanca colony in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora at the time when a Mass was celebrated that they attended around 35 parishioners

Witnesses recount that the 38-year-old man entered the church with his son in his arms, so when he was followed by the hitman, he asked clemency to the hitman saying: my child does not have it. "

The murder occurred at 7:20 pm on July 13 at the temple located on the Cima and Boulevard Blanca, and after being struck by an explosion the body of the victim was lying in front of the Altar.

The child was unharmed and was handed over by the authorities to his relatives.

Experts from the Attorney General's Office of the State buckled the area to open the investigation file and find the killers .. they fled in a black van

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