They kill four men in Iztapalapa; it has been alleged narcomenudista


CDMX .- Four men, including a recidivist, were murdered this morning in the district of San Andrés Tomatlán, delegation Iztapalapa .

The The Attorney General's Office of Justice reported that one of the lines of investigation could be the direct attack against one of victims since ] allegedly sold drugs at retail .

Multiple homicide occurred around 4:40 am in Callejón Granada and 1st Andador de Callejón Granada.

Police requested the support of an ambulance, whose paramedics confirmed the death of the four individuals, because they were transferred to the amphitheater of the delegation, where relatives have recognized three of them.

With the intervention of agents of Investigation Police it was learned that the unidentified individual has two incomes at prison : ] in 2011, at the South Male Prison, for crimes against health in its mode of purchase and sale; in 2012, also for these illicit, robbery and patrimonial crimes.

He is also related to investigation records for theft with passers-by with violence, in 2008, and threats, in 2010.


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