They kill their mother for satanic ritual



Three brothers from Peru were arrested after committing the murder of their 74 year old mother during a satanic ritual . 19659003] The victim was identified as Teodora Quispe Cayllahua; According to the local press, at the time of its discovery, the corpse was missing eyes and eyelids.

According to the authorities, the perpetrators of the terrible homicide responded in the name of: Aurelia Condori Quispe Percy Condori and Marcelina Quispe Sauñe

In the report that the police gave to the Peruvian press, it was stated that Aurélia was the one who confessed to the crime, which in turn claimed responsibility for the crime. having torn off her mother's eyelids. However, the woman offered two versions of the facts to the agents. He first claimed that they had committed the murder because his mother was going to give birth to the "son of the devil", while later he claimed that they had made the decision to kill her. believing that he would be resurrected. Finally, he completed his statement arguing that the three had been possessed .

It was established that the death was due to vertebral trauma, as well as to the removal of organs

. Sol De Nayarit)

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