They killed a Uber driver when he arrived to search for a user, in Tlalnepantla


An alleged Uber driver was shot dead yesterday morning in the second unit of Rosario El Segundo.

Around 11 am, the driver entered a parking lot at the intersection of Talabarteros and Impresores to park next to the Andarado Fernando Alvarado Tezozomoc.

Instead, the neighbors gave conflicting versions, as while some assured that he had come to let a passenger, others said he was not looking for it.

"He entered the parking lot and it is at that time that a subject is trying to strip him of his belongings.The refusal of the driver and the shot arrive", said the l & # 39; one of the curious.

The driver of the wine color and plates of the Chevrolet Aveo 784YUW was hit at chest height, although municipal first aiders came to help the man and lacked vital signs.

The neighbors of the unit explained that this area had been reported to the authorities because in recent times violent robberies have been committed against drivers and taxi drivers.

"I've seen how they get hit in this parking lot and in the one next door.I did not happen that they will kill anyone and they are the same sons of sluts", said a taxi driver.

In a Facebook group created by Uber drivers, several concerned people said that it was better not to provide service in these areas.

"We, the drivers, have to burn those areas and deny services to shitty areas like that, damn dogs."

Experts from Mexico's Attorney General's office went to collect the body, while the prosecutor opened a case to clarify the facts and find the perpetrators.

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