They leave four assaults conejeros in booty ZMG of 400 thousand pesos to the delinquents


Rabbit type assaults continue in the Guadalajara metropolitan area and in four different events the criminals took about 400 thousand pesos in cash.
The first flight of the day was recorded in the Camichines colony of the municipality of Tonalá, where a man was stripped of 220 thousand pesos in cash and a mobile phone, after leaving a suburb on Avenida Río Nilo.
Although the phone issued a GPS signal that placed it in the neighborhood Colonia Jardines de la Paz, the place was only found the device thrown under a car.
Another robbery occurred on Paseo de la Arboleda Avenue, almost at the intersection with Mariano Otero, where a motorist was stripped of 80 thousand pesos by the occupants of the city. a Chevy car in blue color
In the district of Loma Dorada in Tonalá, another account holder Banorte was stolen from 12 thousand pesos
Finally, in the Insurgentes district of Guadalajara, another bank customer stripped 70 thousand pesos in cash.
In none of the cases were people arrested. (By José Luis Escamilla)

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