They let us the country made a cemetery: Snchez Cordero


July 24, 2018

Detall that with the official figures that only these two sexenios go more than 200 thousand dead and more than 40 thousand have disappeared, but it is unclear how many extrajudicial executions, extortions, rights of speech, violations, traffics, murders of

Photo: Twitter @AbreMasLosOjos

The next Minister of the Interior, Olga Snchez Cordero, assured that the new government at the head of Andrés Manuel López Obrador will receive the country in a situation of extreme violence that turned Mexico into a cemetery

In an interview with El Universal, quoted in the news by Ciro Gmez Leyva, the Minister of the Supreme Court of the Nation retired, she explained that with the official figures that only these two sexenios have, they are more than 200,000 dead and more than 40,000 missing.

However, it is unclear how many extrajudicial executions, extortions, rights of speech, violations, trafficking, murders of journalists; "What we are certain of is that we can not continue like this, with an anti-crime and anti-drug policy that has produced no other result than violence."

Save two slogans of López Obrador during his campaign on this subject: "Violence is not going to fight with more violence" and "scholars, not sicarios", and in this line of thinking, the pacification of the country is the peace and security of each of the Mexican families, it is the pacification of the country.

"How are we going to deal with it?" In many ways, we will tackle the problem of poverty, the causes of poverty and the lack of economic development in many areas, we will work to rebuild the social fabric ", indic

" We have two sexenios of death, desolation and an unstoppable wave of violence, it is not very popular, but only with the official figures that we have in these two sexenios more than 200 thousand dead and more than 40 thousand missing. we know how many extrajudicial executions, extortions, rights of speech, violations, trafficking, murders of journalists … the subject is extremely complicated, very, very complex, but what we are some, it is that we can not continue
with an anti-crime and anti-drug policy that has produced no other result than violence, "he summarizes.

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