They locate 14 Guatemalan migrants near the border; a minor among them


Coahuila.- During the morning of July 2 14 migrants were on the road Torreón – Saltillo . Among the undocumented there was a minor.

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He was near the junction with ejido Puebla, on Highway 40, around 8:30 am, when elements of the federal police have asked the stop of the truck in which the migrants traveled

By asking the driver to go down and open the doors of the truck, the migrants

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Therefore, the presence of elements of the National Institute of Migration was requested to provide support and information to migrants who had been located.

For their part, the authorities arrested the driver of the truck and confided to the Public Prosecutor's Office, since the illegal transportation of migrants It is a federal crime [19659008] In this note:

  • Coahuila
  • Saltillo
  • Torreón
  • Highway
  • Migrant
  • Locate

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