They locate supposedly involved in the attack at Norberto Rivera's house


CITY OF MEXICO.- One of the suspects of the attack at the cardinal's Norberto Rivera Carrera, which took place on the eve of the Florida colony, was located on Monday
a social security hospital in Naucalpan.

This follows a coordinated action between the Attorney General of Mexico City and the Attorney General of the State of Mexico.

This is a 33 year old man who lives in Ecatepec. He was admitted to the Lomas Verdes trauma hospital with three gunshot wounds and is already being guarded by the staff of the Mexican prosecutor's office at the request of the prosecutor's office of the capital.

The unit said that after analyzing video surveillance cameras and witness statements, it had been possible to identify the evacuation route of the alleged perpetrators to the State of Mexico.

In view of this, a search alert was generated for the central area of ​​the country, then the authorities of the State of Mexico reported that a person had been admitted to the hospital, where his state of health was declared serious.

In this context, a witness of the events acknowledged that the injured was one of the victims the participants in the homicide committed Sunday afternoon.

The addiction expects this person to be able to provide his statement, while the work of the corresponding expert is developed to prove his participation in the events.

In the meantime, the institution's databases are consulted to determine if they have a criminal record and information has been requested from Plataforma México for the same purpose.

All lines of inquiry are open and investigations continue to collect data to locate and arrest other participants for presentation to a control judge and to deal with the corresponding process.

Sunday afternoon, a man aboard a green truck, disguised as a soldier, arrived at the cardinal's house.

He knocked on the door saying that he would deliver a package. When a member of the banking and industrial police came out, he was shot in the chest and, although other security elements have repelled the attack, the subject managed to s & # 39; 39; escape.

A few minutes later, an ambulance arrived to help the wounded, whose unknown facts were unknown up to now. He lost his life during his transfer to the hospital.

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