They lose communication with Opportunity | Indigo Report


Due to the huge dust storm that has been generated on Mars since June, the Opportunity rover has been forced to suspend its scientific operations. And since then, NASA has failed to restore communication with this mission.

"We have not heard from the rover for a few weeks," says Ray Arvidson of the University of Washington and Senior Research Scientist for Mars Exploration Rovers.

Mission researchers believe that the opportunity is most likely in a low-power mode "where the receiver wakes up, checks their power and if it is too weak, goes back to sleep again," says Arvidson. In Outer Space

For them, it is essential that the storm be lowered so that Opportunity can wake up and check that it has enough energy to transmit a signal of his antenna.

"The storm has become global, it's been three weeks since we've had any news of Opportunity, but I'm sure we'll survive that," says Jim Rice, chief of the Project Mars Exploration Geology Team Rover

The last image sent by the rover to Earth came from his panoramic camera.

Opportunity sailed and treated with Mars since he landed in the region known as Meridiani Planum on the red planet, January 25, 2004.

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