They make a festival in memory of the victims of the Narvarte affair


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A few days before the three-year multihomicide in Narvarte district where Alejandra, Mile, Nadia, Rubén and Yesenia lost their lives, relatives, friends and social activists organized the third Art Festival to not forget. 19659002] According to the organizers, justice is always required because they considered it a very bad investigation.

In front of the building number 1909 of Luz Saviñon Street, in the district of Narvarte, participants gathered to commemorate the five victims, including photojournalist Rubén Espinosa

. poets participated, as well as dances presented in a pavilion installed on the road, blocking the passage of vehicles.

Two days before their meeting During the three years of the muti-homicide, the parents demanded that the former head of government, Miguel Ángel Mancera, present a public apology and repair the damage in an integral way, recommended it a year ago the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City.

"There are three inmates, one only has a sentence of 315 years and the others are covered.It is because the investigation was disastrous, From the first day, the crime scene is n & rsquo; Has not been preserved, many people have entered the department, "said Patricia Espinosa, the sister of the photojournalist.

She adds that the families still have no answer, which required a verifiable and verifiable scientific investigation, which demonstrates what happened in this department on July 31, 2015.

commented that they are aware of the change of government and demanded that Claudia Sheinbaum provide the best results, although they assure that they will not let the current government go unpunished, so they will continue to demand during their last four years. months in charge of Mexico.

"They must resolve not the Narvarte case, but everything they have," he said. 19659002] Later, the parents of Rubén Espinosa, his sisters and the mother of Yesenia Quiroz placed a plaque in honor of those who lost their lives and replaced those of their neighbors. etiraron.

Slow advance. Leopoldo Maldonado, of the organization Article 19, criticized the slowness of the authorities in the settlement of the case and demanded an immediate response.

"The same lines of investigation are still open and it is unacceptable for three years, which is not appropriate for a case was held in 2015 and since then only three people were arrested: Daniel Pacheco Gutiérrez, César Omar Martínez Zendejas and Abraham Torres Tranquilino, the only one to have been sentenced to more than 315 years.

In the case of Pacheco Gutiérrez and Martínez Zendeja, a federal judge decided in May to refuse an injunction against the order of formal prison which was issued for their likely involvement in the homicide

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