They make recommendations to saltillenses against the cold


Faced with predictions of lower temperatures, the state government, through the Ministry of Health, makes recommendations to prevent the presence of various diseases.

Roberto Bernal Gómez, Secretary of State for Health, indicated that the most common ailments of the season are acute respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, domestic accidents and, in extreme cases, deaths due to intoxication or hypothermia.

Among the main recommendations, it is to drink a lot of liquid and eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, avoid exposure to sudden changes in temperature and avoid frequenting the overcrowded places. and not having contact with people who are sick of the respiratory tract.

It is necessary to dress appropriately, to ensure that the immunization program for children is complete and to apply the influenza vaccine, especially for children under five years and adults more aged.

He pointed out that the eight health administrations had doses against influenza intended mainly for groups at risk.

Tips to keep
the heat on the inside
of the House

> 1. Use thick curtains to prevent heat from escaping through windows.

> 2. Install the insulation on the walls of the House.

> 3. Plug holes and cracks through which the cold can slip.

> 4. Place the borders in the upper part of the windows.

> 5. Close the doors of the rooms which are not used.

> 6. Open blinds and curtains take advantage of solar energy

> 7. Wrap the water pipes hot on the electrical tape

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