They murder to a PT member in Contepec


The morning of this Sunday was killed with a firearm Flora Reséndiz, a Labor Party activist, in front of her house in the municipality of Contepec, Michoacán, informed the representative of the PT in front of the Michoacán Electoral Institute (IEM), Marcela Casillas Castillo

The events were reported by members of the movement. According to the first investigations the killers left a "narcomensaje" in their address. During the electoral process, he promoted the vote in favor of the party candidates.

At the location where they moved elements of the Michoacan police who corroborated the report, cordoned off the area and requested the ministerial presence. Subsequently, the staff of the Unit specialized in the crime scene arrived who attested to the removal of the body of the woman who was shot.

Marcela Casillas Carrillo, legal representative of the PT, denounced the facts before the Electoral Institute of Michoacán (IEM). IEM members condemned what happened and asked for clarification.

The killing of Reséndiz represents the 80th female victim of the year in the state and the first in this month of July. Reséndiz González worked closely with the candidate of the Party of Labor and the National Regeneration Movement for the municipal presidency of Contepec, Francisco Bolaños

The Office of the Attorney General of the State (PGJE) opened an investigation file on the homicide. . The staff of the crime scene unit did the corresponding actions and moved Flora's body to the Forensic Service (Semefo).

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