They offer a reward of 500 thousand pesos for information about the alleged murderer of Ana Lizbeth


Monterrey, NL.- The Attorney General of Nuevo Leon offered a reward of 500 thousand pesos to whom he provides information that helps the location and arrest of Juan Fernando "N", 37, who is under investigation for the kidnapping and subsequent murder of eight-year-old girl Ana Lizbeth.

The Attorney General, Gustavo Adolfo Guerrero Gutiérrez stated that Judge of Control has granted the order of arrest against Juan Fernando "N", of about 1.70 meters tall, robust constitution, brown skin, dark brown eyes, with beard and probably a tattoo on the right arm, according to the images captured by the video surveillance camera of an urban transport route.

"The person who wishes to provide information to help locate and apprehend the alleged homicide, may call the phone 2020-4223 Fis Calía General del Estado," the prosecutor stated at a press conference Wednesday night

Guerrero Gutiérrez reported that scientific studies conducted by the Institute of Criminal Investigation Services and experts, to support of the Investigation Agency, confirm that the corpse located Monday afternoon in vacant land of the Colonia Vistas del Río, in Juárez Nuevo León, corresponds to that of the daughter Ana Lizbeth and it was also determined that the cause of death was suffocating suffocation

The prosecutor commented that the murder of the girl would have occurred on Sunday night, after his disappearance was recorded around 19:00 the same day. He also reserved other details of the case, to "preserve the dignity of the victim and his family."

Up to now there is no indication about the involvement of more people in the kidnapping and death of the minor. Guerrero said, and no direct family member is presumed to be involved.

He pointed out that Juan Fernando "N" had already served seven years in prison for sex offenses and had two warrants pending. capture for acts of the same nature and another for injuries.

The prosecutor said that there is no indication that the alleged killer has left the state, but anyway are in communication with the authorities of other states and even to prevent the action of justice.

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