They order to release the former director of the Altiplano by the flight of "El Chapo"


Valentín Cárdenas former director of the maximum security federal prison El Altiplano who was arrested for the escape of Joaquín Guzmán Loera "El Chapo" – followed on July 11, 2015-, obtained an amparo ordering his immediate release.

A court based in Toluca (State of Mexico) found that there was no evidence that its action had led to the escape of Chapo, through a 1.5 kilometer tunnel that it had built up to To his cell.

Josefina Ojeda Arellano head of the Sixth Unitary Court, granted to Cárdenas the amparo whose effect was to revoke the formal prison sentence that was pronounced for the misdemeanor. Escape from a prisoner accused of crimes against health.

"The right is to grant the protection and protection of Justice of the Union so that the responsible authority fifth unitary tribunal of the second circuit leaves the act claimed and place revoke the impugned decision and issue a writ of liberty for lack of elements to deal with the reservations of the law in favor of Valentín Cárdenas Lerma ", explains the decision.

According to the magistrate, the data are insufficient to estimate that the omissions attributed to the complainant were favorable to the theft of Guzmán Loera.

It should be noted that this decision is contestable by the PGR, despite this, the defense of Cárdenas Lerma will call for his immediate release on the basis of current amendments to the Amparo law that provide for immediate release in cases where they deprivation of liberty for minor offenses is claimed.

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