They perform a third cross transplant


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At the Juárez Hospital of Mexico, the third kidney transplant was performed with live donors without any type of relationship, which benefited two young people with chronic renal failure, which has put their lives in danger.

Andrés Bazán Borges, chief surgeon of the Juárez de Mexico Hospital Transplant Program, was in charge of the procedure, which involved 32 transplant surgeons, a six-hour operation.

The surgeon explained that although both patients had their respective donors, they were incompatible, so in this type of case, what is done is to exchange the donors and determine the surgical procedures to be able to make them viable.

For hospital staff, this type of procedure represents a possibility of recovery for patients who have this problem of incompatibility because during the exchange of their donors, they are guaranteed success.

The specialists predict that the four patients (two of whom will be donors) will be released in the next few days, and that they will be progressively incorporated into their daily activities, although he informs them that they will not be able to do so. they have to wait two months for their recovery

This type of transplant represents an innovative alternative for the national health system, after which in 2014, the Congress of the Union approved the reforms of the general law of health , which allow a living donor to offer an organ to another person, without having a consanguineous relationship, and guarantees the best donor for the best recipient.

In November of last year, the hospital performed the same procedure, but on this occasion four patients have benefited, when the cross between the donors of each of them.

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