They present a digital map to find out where the HIV test is done



As part of the HIV Testing Promotion Day, which is celebrated every June 27th, the Department of Health of the Nation presented a digital map that allows to know the location of the nearest hospital or health center to test for the free, voluntary and confidential human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

The goal of the initiative of the Directorate of AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases is to make the diagnosis more accessible since, in Argentina, it is estimated that there are 122,000 people who have the virus, but 30% do not know it. [19659004] The digital map is a work done from the collection of data provided by the various HIV programs across the country to which is added information about the days and hours of operation of each institution. You can access this tool at the following address: salud / hiv-aids / where

The test is the only way a person knows if she has the HIV or not. In addition, in the case of early diagnosis, it may be easier to have an optimal quality of life through free treatments in Argentina.

About the test

The HIV Testing Promotion Day was instituted to encourage people to learn about the epidemic and to know their status.

The opportunity to perform the test is a right of all. It can be accessed free of charge in any hospital or public health center in the country. It is voluntary, so no one can be forced to do it; it is confidential, since the person who frequents can not reveal the practice performed or the result of the diagnosis and who receives the diagnosis can decide when and how to share it, in case he wishes it; and must be done with the prior and subsequent notice of the health staff. It is not mandatory to submit an identity document or medical order to pass the test.

In all cases, it is necessary to take into account the window period, which is the time that elapses since the virus enters the body up to the amount of antibody necessary for the tests to be detected in the laboratory. Meanwhile, which in most cases lasts up to a month, the tests will be negative even if the person is infected. It is estimated that about 122,000 people living with HIV live in the country. Of these, 70% know their positive diagnosis and the remaining 30% do not know it.

The main route of HIV transmission is sexual intercourse without condom use (98%). Among men, 42.2% contracted the infection in a heterosexual relationship, while 56% contracted it in a relationship with another man.

Of 100 babies born to HIV-positive mothers, 5 contract the infection

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