They prevent Britney from drinking again



Los Angeles, Eu.- The pop singer team, Britney Spears, has decided to remove all the alcohol from the concerts that she is currently playing, in order to get her into the world. to prevent having more problems. addictions

The interpreter has gone through various personal and professional problems, which is why she has strict controls over her own staff, according to information from El País.

"The Britney team has set very strict guidelines do not use alcohol behind the scenes, because they want to keep it away from her, but also of many of his dancers, who do not have the age to consume, "says a source.

Similarly, it was reported that when the blonde singer 36 years old, he went on tour, some from his assistants were going to the hotels, to make sure that there was no alcohol in the rooms, no parties. "The employees on your tour can wait to a lot of rules, "he says, and it was added that dancers were banned from alcohol and drugs, they could even be subjected to random checks.

Britney's new tour to Throughout Europe, includes destinations such as Paris, Oslo, London, Dublin and Berlin, after having acted in Las Vegas, Nevada, for four years. [19659003] Archives

 They prevent Britney from drinking again

Health. The work crew of singer Britney Spears removed the acohol during the tour to prevent her from resuming her addiction problems.




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