They prevent the increase of osteoporosis in Mexico


Mexico .- If the trends of preventable factors promoting osteoporosis do not change, by 2050, to one in 12 women and one in 20 men over 50 years old will be fractured hip by this disease said Rosa Barbosa, head of the Rheumatology Department of Juarez Hospital in Mexico.

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Among these factors, include sedentary lifestyle, low calcium consumption, smoking, as well as alcohol and drug use than glucocorticoids for a period of more than three months

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Barbosa reported that hip fracture increases morbidity and mortality of patients, That is to say that it accompanies more illnesses or complications, ranging from the ulceration of

"A person who breaks his hip and is not not treated immediately or is not a candidate for surgery will be prostrate, which will result in muscle loss and decalcification. "This process affects the emotional part of the patient. and the family, "she explained.

The specialist said that this problem is very common, so that awareness campaigns aimed at the entire population are conducted continuously to change the factors avoidable risks Theme / Pixabay

In a statement, he noted that a sedentary lifestyle accompanied by a poor diet accelerates the decalcification of bones, by the loss of muscle mass that causes inactivity. Muscle mass helps to fix calcium to the bone structure, so it is important to be constantly moving or hiking.

However, he says, there are non-avoidable causes like old age, menopause, low calcium and family history with some type of bone breakage in one shot, mainly.

Barbosa mentioned that this attention is very important because this pathology is even more common than cardiovascular diseases.

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Therefore, after 45 years, the study of bone density should be performed every two years and, if osteopenia is diagnosed, step prior to osteoporosis, the doctor should be consulted every six months for

Osteoporosis is an asymptomatic disease. It can go unnoticed until you have a broken vertebrae, hip or wrist. Generally, it affects people over 85 years old.

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Up to the age of 35, there is a process of bone regeneration, but after this age, one must be careful that there are good calcium levels and of vitamin D in the blood.

It is necessary to tan moderately and take walks to help fix this mineral, as well as consuming natural foods with calcium or medications prescribed by a family doctor.

The expert reported that it is scientifically proven that magnesium chloride promotes the fixation of calcium with vitamin D. However, the amount should be provided according to the constitution, size and degree decalcification of the person.

In this note:

  • Medicine
  • Mexico Osteoporosis
  • ] Bone Diseases

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