They promote cancer prevention culture – –


Reynosa, Tamaulipas – The Department of Health promotes the culture of prevention in women with cancer by providing timely medical examinations, as well as treatments and actions that help reduce the incidence rate cases of cancer. is the leading cause of death among women across the country.

During the celebration of the Reynosa Lions Club International Services Macro Brigade this weekend, the Ministry of Health's Preventive Medicine staff attended medical consultations, interviews and examinations for women and men.

With the support of preventive discussions and didactical exposure, it is planned to generate a preventive culture between men and women to reduce the cases that occur more frequently. national study of cancer behavior in the population, in Tamaulipas, there is an incidence of cancer in men (51%) and women (48.8%)

The main cause of death in men is cancer of prostate, malignant tumors and complications that occur in the liver, breast cancer with 18 cases per 100,000 population and 17 per 100 men, after breast cancer is located in the second case
Relationships with hepatic affections and in the third cause of death malignant tumors.

In the latest study that dates from 2015, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography recorded a
However, this figure has increased significantly and this database has not been updated.

It is estimated that 22 people die each day for cancer-related causes, and in the case of children under 5 to 14 years, is the leading cause of death among patients diagnosed with a variety of the disease.

The modality of cancer in leukemia has become the second assessment in people over the age of 20, with an incidence of 20 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants

Therefore, health authorities have strengthened the prevention through awareness raising at the opportunity that can be an early diagnosis and that allows a favorable life expectancy. for the patient.

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