They punish a pilot who deliberately collided with "Checo". Pérez


LONDON, Great Britain.- Commissioners of the International Automobile Federation (FIA) have been slow to analyze the contact of Frenchman Pierre Gasly with Mexican Sergio Pérez and have decided to sanction, which allowed "Czech" to score points in the Grand Prix of Great Britain.

Two laps to finish the race, "Checo" Pérez was in the tenth position of the competition held at the Silverstone circuit, but ] Gasly hits with the Jalisco Force India to get him out of the track and trail him to the eleventh place

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This situation left Pérez Mendoza without option to add units, but the review of the maneuver by the commissioners determined that the midfielder Toro Rosso was at fault in the l 39; impact and was to be sanctioned with five seconds s

So the positions changed and Sergio Pérez finished by adding a point in this Great Britain GP, ​​tenth date of the 2018 Season of Formula 1

"The commissioners felt that Gasly's maneuvers were generally reasonable, and he was trying to make an adequate career advancement.Perez left enough space," said the FIA ​​in a statement.

There added that this situation forced Perez to leave the track on the left side of the pilot before the 17th lap and compromised his ability to give battle in turns 17 and 18, so Gasly could move to Perez "Although the collision was light, it allowed to overtake directly."

After the decision, the Mexican said: "When there were two laps to go, Gasly took me off the track, I gave him enough space, but it was not. not enough: we stayed in touch and lost the place. It was an unjust move I am happy that the FIA ​​took action after the race to penalize Gasly, who returned the last point. "

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