They punish at 8 per Paso Express casing [Estados] – 05/07/2018


Mexico City .- Eight officials of the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT) and the National Water Commission (Conagua) were sanctioned for alleged irregularities committed during the construction of Exprés pass of Cuernavaca

In a statement, the Ministry of Public Administration (SFP) reported that the punishers, of whom he reserved his name, occupy positions of resident work level, general resident, deputy director, director Deputy General and Director General

Of the eight sanctioned, seven are attached to the SCT and another to Conagua

"Sanctions imposed under the Federal Act on the administrative responsibilities of public servants, according to the level of responsibility. determined by this institution, ranging from suspensions and temporary revocations to disqualifications for the exercise of a public service for iodes of three months, one and ten years.On 28 May, after appearing before the Standing Committee, the Secretary of Public Service, Arely Gómez, reported that the case was about to close and that among the officials who had received instructions from the administrative responsibility is the former delegate of the TCT Morelos, José Luis Alarcón Ezeta

On July 12, 2017, three months after its inauguration, a chasm five meters deep was opened to Paso Express. As a result, two people traveling in a vehicle fell and died in the square.

As a result of these facts, the SFP performed an audit of the contracts for the planning, execution and supervision of the 14.5-kilometer course, in which He determined that there were various irregularities, including a lack attention to a hydraulic work located at kilometer 93 + 857.

This lack of attention allowed to cover the ravine that runs through and the accumulated water to fracture a wall of water . containment, dredging of the backfilling and the cause of the sinkhole.

"In this way, partially complete a process that included an audit and launch of various investigation files, through the SFP's Under-Secretariat for Audit and Control and the governing bodies of the SFP. internal control of the Ministry of Communications and Transport, the National Water Commission and the National Bank of Works ", said the SFP.

Etaria said that she resolved a total of 21 of the 24 proceedings, due to the events of July 2017.

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