They put porn in the video game Super Mario Odyssey


A Reddit user warned other members of the social network that hackers had changed the Nintendo Switch Super Mario Odyssey game to include porn images. Apparently, "hackers" have repeatedly replaced the avatar images offered by the game for pornographic material.

They encourage chavita to throw themselves into a building

GANSU .- Police arrested several people accused of encouraging a girl to commit suicide. The young Li, 19, spent several hours sitting on the edge of a building, when dozens of people gathered in the street to witness the scene.

Instead of discouraging the girl, many of them began to express her dissatisfaction with the fact that he did not decide to take the step, in addition to what he did. they began recording the dramatic scene.

Finally, her wishes were fulfilled and Li, despite the efforts of the rescuers moved to the place to try to convince her otherwise, she took her life throwing herself into the void.

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