They raise a man in front of the offices of the Sinaloa Attorney General's Office


Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Two men deprived a young man of his freedom in front of the facilities of the State Attorney General's Office located in the urban development of Tres Ríos of that city.

According to a video circulating on social networks, the victim was beaten and pushed into the trunk of a compact vehicle by two men, on the boulevard Enrique Sánchez Alonso, in front of the private parking of Attorney General of the State ] Juan José Ríos Estavillo .

The Civic Police of Culiacán received minutes of the event minutes after he was witnessed by ten drivers of vehicles traveling on said road

The staff of Attorney General's security did not notice the facts despite the security cameras placed at the parking entrance. Until now, the identity of the victim is unknown.

The Prosecutor's Office Opens the Case for Investigation

The Attorney General's Office opens investigation file 4946/18 for the crime of deprivation of liberty derived from video recorded acts on the boulevard Enrique Sánchez Alonso, in front of his offices.

In a statement, it was announced that in a review of CCTV systems it is seen that the driving unit involved is a white Hyundai Sedan, which was traveling in the north-south route of the capital city. 39; State.

According to the information provided. it is presumed that the victim was transported to the trunk of this vehicle, which opened suddenly, causing the occupants to descend.

Descending, the men submit a young person, to which they return to put on the portal The judicial authorities informed that these data worked in a coordinated way with the staff of Center of Control and of Communication (C4), in search of new images which make it possible to locate the persons in charge.

It was announced that there is no denunciation of the disappearance of persons that allows the identification of the alleged victim, so a job of collecting information about the field was initiated. 19659002] afcl

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