They reject the capture of Karime's parents


The Veracruz public prosecutor informed a federal judge that he had not asked for a warrant against Jesús Antonio Macías Yazegey and Virginia Yazmín Tubilla Letayf, parents of Karime Macías

. Díez Cerda, Fifth District Judge in the Criminal Amparo of Mexico City, who decided to refuse the marriage the final suspension, because there is no act of authority which they should be protected.

the parents-in-law of Javier Duarte, former governor of Veracruz, promoted this amparo with the number 490/2018 since May 13, against any warrant issued by the local judges and against any location and order submitted by the Prosecutor's Office of Veracruz.

They also sought the protection of justice against the office of the Attorney General of Mexico City (PGJCDMX), in case of request for cooperation between peers his counterpart of Veracruz to execute them any custody order.

Macías-Tubilla's demand for guarantees was promoted after the warrant of arrest was issued against Karime Macías, for an alleged fraud of at least 112 million pesos at the DIF of Veracruz, and after the state government released videos of its location and daily life in London.

Although in principle they were suspended provisionally, submitting justified reports, the PGJCDMX was the first to report to Judge Díez Cerda that his collaboration was not necessary to try to locate and fill out a ministerial mandate against the in-laws of the former governor.

Later, state judges and prosecutors also reported that there were no orders at the time of arrest or location against the plaintiffs , which led the judge to refuse the final suspension and to dismiss or reject the amparo.

According to ministerial data, Karime's parents changed their residency from Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, to Mexico City for months. In other words, they do not live in London with the girl who is now fugitive.

Macías and Tubilla filed this amparo only against the authorities of Veracruz, even though it is at the federal level that they are the subject of an investigation and have even frozen bank accounts .

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