They remember Joan Sebastian three years after his death – Bajo Palabra


Juliantla, Guerrero .- Three years after his death, friends, relatives and admirers remember Joan Sebastian with group music and a mass in his memory.

Federico, Ana María and Juan Marcos, brothers The singer-songwriter, in addition to his widow Alina Espin and his daughters Marce and Dejave, met at the mausoleum where rest the remains of the Poet of the people and then participated in the Catholic mass that took place in the local church Federico Figueroa, brother of the so-called hurricane South, thanked the public to keep the artist in his mind.

"Thank you and send a greeting to all the fans of him, to the disciples and tell them that the affection they feel for him and that the years have shown him after that he is absent in a certain way in the physical is absent, but in the spirit remains, in the soul, his memories are here with us, already to thank people for the love that 's 39, they have for the family.

In the church atrium, the businessman said that what he missed most about Joan, c & # 39; 39, was his counsels and his reprimands.In the particular, in the council that he gave me, in the reprimand because the reprimand also serves, it was always a person who was trying with me , always made me see my mistakes, still wanted me to be a better man, a better human being and I try to do it, in memory of him, I try to be as attached to his beliefs "

His widow Alina avoids answering questions from the press.

At the end of Mass, she goes out from one side of the church. On the way, he was approached by reporters, but he barely replied to a few words

"Thank you for being here to everyone, for love, for remembering, for not not forget, thanks, "he said before shutting himself in his truck.

Juan Marcos and Ana María, Joan's brothers, attended the journalists

"Three years, unbelievable, as always with a lot of love, I believe that the more time passes, the more my brother is present and still love that with all that he has left us, all that he has taught us, I remember, "said Ana María

. Joan's biggest fan clubs said that she was surprised by the number of photos, videos and phrases that her fans shared among themselves.

"We have a group, my sisters and I, fans of Joan Sebastian, United for love by Joan Sebastian, we are like 27 000 and every day is amazing, amazing that every day they have to salute a photo, a video of my brother, a very present phrase always, it's amazing and we are obviously very grateful because the signs of affection are many, very big, and we have admirers of my brother from all parts of any country. "

Juan Marcos said that commemorations like this cause mixed feelings. on the one hand the nostalgia of the departure of his brother and the other the gratitude for the affection shown by the Figueroa family

"It is a kind of mixed feelings where you continue to notice the affection of the people towards my brother and at the same time the feeling of nostalgia for his departure, the feeling that he misses his presence, but it is something that time is the best remedy for that ", he said

very early a group played Joan's success in his mausoleum.

Family and friends gathered there, who sang the songs.

Red, white and yellow flowers adorned his grave.

In addition to the Mass, in which Jeanne's rest was requested, she Friends organized a tour on their ranch in Teacalco, Guerrero, which ended with a jaripeo at the place same where Joan Sebastian died in the afternoon of July 13, 2015.

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