They remove the statue of Christopher Columbus in the United States as an act of "restorative justice"


Local authorities in Los Angeles, United States, this weekend removed a statue of Christopher Columbus in downtown Grand Park, considered a "restorative act of justice" for "locals." origin, "announced today the local press

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The statue of Columbus was in this park in Los Angeles for 45 years.

"The statue of Columbus rewrites a stained historical chapter and idealises the expansion of European empires and the exploitation of natural resources and human beings," said Hilda Solis, Los Angeles County Supervisor, in a statement. statement to the chain. NBC4 local.

Mr. Solís, Secretary of Labor under President Barack Obama, is one of the driving forces behind the motion to celebrate the Day of Indigenous Peoples, which replaced Columbus Day by City Council decision.

Last October, Councilman Mitch O 'Farrell, one of the promoters of the initiative, told Efe that the replacement of Columbus Day was an important step in "eliminating the false narrative that Christopher Columbus discovered America, they lived the Amerindians. "

O & # 39; Farrell is a member of the Wyandotte Native American tribe.

The measure was approved last year by the Los Angeles City Council and was celebrated for the first time this year.

Columbus Day, the first Monday of the second week of October, is a holiday in the United States since 1937, although several states like Hawaii, Alaska and South Dakota do not celebrate it.

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