They reveal which smartphones record more problems (+ details)


Photo: Ghosby

(Caracas, July 14, News24) .- A recent report revealed the list of mobile phones most likely to record operational problems, according to the international data security firm Blanco .

This report, prepared with data provided by operators and retailers, indicates that the most problematic Android devices of the first quarter operating system of 2018 were Samsung (27.4%) – in particular, the Galaxy S7 – model, Xiaomi (14.2%) and Motorola, with 9.6%.

Eye diseases can be detected via an application (+ details)

In the same period, products that work with iOS have shown 15.2% of failures and its worst "smartphone" is the iPhone 6S

The biggest drawbacks of Apple's terminals are Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections, as well as the use of mobile headsets and data. On phones with Google Program Manager, the most common conflicts occur with the operation of the headphones, camera, microphone, and battery charge.

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