They save the Independence Day celebration of the possible attack


CITY OF MEXICO.- The authorities of Cleveland (Ohio, USA) reported Monday the arrest of this Sunday of a man who wanted to commit an attack on the Independence Day United States in the name of al-Qaeda.

According to the information portal Televisa, Demetrius Nathanial Pitts, who was planning to carry out his terrorist action on July 4 in the city center, now faces charges of support to a terrorist organization, reported the sources of the investigation.

"He wanted to lead an attack in downtown Cleveland on July 4. And he met someone that he thought he was a member of al-Qaeda network to help him." to cope with the coup, "said Mike Tobin, spokesman for the Cleveland prosecutor's office, who said:" In fact, this person was working for the FBI. "

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Although the authorities did not reveal too much details of the operation, waiting for a conference of press is held this morning, Tobin explained that Pitts entered the radar of the security forces because of a series of comments made on the Internet expressing his intentions.

According to the official, the defendant claimed to have the intention of "doing something in the center of the city", where there would be "a lot of people" because of the Day's celebrations. Independence, in which many cities of the country organize parades and fireworks.

Nathaniel Pitts, who also used the name of Abdur Raheem Rafeeq, reportedly told an FBI secret agent who wanted to blow up a car loaded with explosives. Professor Demetrius Nathaniel Pitts, who was also using the name of Abdur Raheem Rafeeq, allegedly told an FBI secret agent who wanted to blow up a car loaded with explosives during the holidays … https: // t .co / 5geDIg7gS9

– (@AlinstanteDo) July 2, 2018

"His desire was to kill military personnel and their families," said FBI agent Steve Anthony, responsible for the case.

FBI and Justice Ministry officials reported that Pitts, an American citizen with "a long criminal record" was arrested after discussing ways to carry out the attack without knowing that his interlocutor was an agent.

According to Anthony, the agents had already been watching Pitts for "months" since he posted on social media comments. al-Qaeda network and showed "aggressive intentions" against the US armed forces.

In such a message, Pitts had suggested to Muslims to train him in hand to hand combat as well as the use of weapons and explosives.

"Your messages in Facebook is disturbing, "Anthony said.

According to his testimony, Pitts was focused on defining the best place for his attack, and expressed doubts as to whether he had the skills to build or obtain explosives

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