They save young people who wanted to jump from a bridge to CDMX


CITY OF MEXICO.- The police of the capital prevented the suicide of a man who planned to launch a bridge on the road Ignacio Zaragoza, delegation Iztapalapa, Mexico City (CDMX), reported the Ministry of Public Security.

The institution explained in a statement that at 20:30 o'clock on Sunday, police from the Oasis Citizen Protection Unit attended the emergency of & [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[amanaged30 I found above the structure of a bridge on the road Ignacio Zaragoza, in the district Juan Escutia, published the portal Televisa Noticias

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The agents of the Ministry of Public Security approached the place and exchanged words with the man, who informed them of his intention to embark on the structure because of personal problems

with the dialogue up to reassure the individual, while a policeman was climbing into the structure, grabbed him quickly and put him on the safe [19659006] Attempted SUICIDE on the pedestrian bridge of Zaragoza, Col Juan Escutia of Iztapalapa

* Work emergency units, ATTENTION!

– Jerrx Galicia (@JerrxG13) July 9, 2018

On April 18, elements of the Secretariat of Public Security of Mexico City prevented the suicide of a woman on John F. Kennedy Street, president of Colonia Ampliación, delegation of Álvaro Obregón. The incident occurred on the roof of a health center, after a woman, who apparently suffered from schizophrenia, attempted to initiate, according to the doctors, who asked for police support. Witnesses reported that the woman was standing on the edge of the roof, then she sat down and left one leg in the void, then she sank on the edge of the roof, exposing herself more to losing balance and to fall. A police officer spoke with her for a while and took advantage of the moment when the woman returned to hug her and move her away from the danger zone.

On February 27, police officers from Mexico saved a young man. a bridge in the district of Nonoalco Tlatelolco. The police spoke with the young man until he could hold him and put him in a safe place.

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